Saturday, September 24, 2011

工作小筆記-1 獨立線性與絕對線性



Independent linearity is probably the most commonly-used linearity definition and is often found in the specifications for DMMs and ADCs, as well as devices like potentiometers. Independent linearity is defined as the maximum deviation of actual performance relative to a straight line, located such that it minimizes the maximum deviation. In that case there are no constraints placed upon the positioning of the straight line and it may be wherever necessary to minimize the deviations between it and the device's actual performance characteristic.

獨立線性(independent linearity)就是從測量出來的數據,來拉出那條直線,那條直線的位置不固定,以讓線性誤差值最小為主,這是最常用的線性定義,所以一般比如說要做到線性1%,指的應該都是獨立線性,偏偏我們送去日本某大車廠承認的PCB印刷板卻無法通過,原來他們用的是更嚴格的絕對線性(Absolute linearity)

absolute linearity, is sometimes also encountered. Absolute linearity is a variation of terminal linearity, in that it allows no flexibility in the placement of the straight line, however in this case the gain and offset errors of the actual device are included in the linearity measurement, making this the most difficult measure of a device's performance. For absolute linearity the end points of the straight line are defined by the ideal upper and lower range values for the device, rather than the actual values. The linearity error in this instance is the maximum deviation of the actual device's performance from ideal.



1 comment:

好學生 said...




想著,你現在是不是又要跟我說 you never know 了
